Elks Grand Lodge Education Department Homepage
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Improved Benevolent and Protective Order Elks of the World, Inc.
Atty. Leonard J. Polk, Jr., Esq., Ms. Margaret D. Scott
Grand Exalted Ruler Grand Daughter Ruler
Dear High School Juniors and Seniors,
Are you passionate about using your voice to make a difference? Do you have insights on pressing issues that could shape our future?
We invite you to become an Orator with the International Oratorical Contest!
This opportunity isn’t just about public speaking – it’s about opening doors to a brighter future.
As an Orator, and with your guardians permission, you’ll have the chance to:
- Win scholarship(s) to support your education.
- Travel to new places and expand your horizons.
- Network with professionals, opening doors to future opportunities.
- Make new friends with like-minded peers.
- Develop poise and confidence in expressing yourself.
- Sharpen skills that are valued in college, careers, and beyond.
Here are the final five (5) International Oratorical Contest topics for the 2025 season:
1. The Impact of AI and Automation on the Future of the Workforce: Explore how technological advancements are reshaping employment landscapes.
2. Roe v. Wade: Analyze the ongoing discourse around women's right to choose.
3. Women in Global Political Leadership: Examine the growing influence of women in global politics and their impact.
4. Students, Schools, and Cell Phones: Debate the pros and cons of students having cell phone access during school hours.
5. Global Climate Control: Investigate the effects of climate change on nature, the economy, and living organisms.
Feel free to share these topics with your local schools, churches, districts, local and/or state directors and directresses.
Take advantage of this invaluable experience to grow, develop, and make a lasting impact. We can’t wait to see where your voice will take you!
Warm regards,
WM Wallace
IBPOEW Grand Commissioner
Department of Education